13 December 2007

Sweet Dreams, Courtesy of Freddy Kreuger

When I was in Texas last weekend, I helped Brooke sort through the piles of crap that have accumulated in her house since Dave moved in. As a result, I got to take a shopping spree through her many many closets. One of my favorite finds was, I'm a little ashamed to admit, a sound machine she got as a gift from IBM. I've secretly wanted one since taking a nap with my nephew in Carmel to the soothing tunes of a tropical thunderstorm. It was the best 45 minutes of sleep I've had in years.

Tonight, I plugged in the machine and took it for a spin, flipping between jungle sounds, ocean, babbling brook, rainstorm, and ... heartbeat...? Seriously? What kind of sick freak wants to doze off to a thudding, and seriously irregular for that matter, heartbeat? I had to turn it off after about 30 seconds, it was like sleeping in an Edgar Allan Poe story. Really, can you think of anything creepier to fall asleep to?


Clay and Katy said...

thats awesome...and i bet a baby would like the heartbeat...but it is still weird :) like the background!!!

Jackie said...

hahahahahahaha!!! so funny

side note: you should really consider going on that lyrics show. heck, I'd even chip in a Jackson (that's right, I just said Jackson) to get you there.

ww said...

You win. Most beautiful blog. Much more suited to you than that g-awful format you had.

jenny said...

You rock.

laurie said...

Most sisters would want to grab CLOTHING from their siblings, rather than a ??sound machine?!#*??Oh well--to each his own! I guess when those cold blizzard winds blow down from Timpanogos, you have to grasp at anything remotely tropical sounding! At least you'll have REAL sunshine in a week! Can't wait!

Annalise said...

Ooooh I so want one of those sound machines...sans the heartbeat.

Becoming Supersonic said...

I agree VERY creepy! I couldn't handle that, but I have always wanted a sound machine. Glad I know someone who has one.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think I was so quick to give the dang thing away :) Enjoy!

bradget said...

Did you leave my mail for me yesterday? Sorry, I am lame and haven't picked it up in a while. Plus I still need to get all my VHS tapes... what am I going to do with those? How was Christmas? We needs to chill yo.

banananutmeg said...

Hey...Just wanted to let you know we stopped by your blog. New years resolution 2008 is to quit blurking (i know...yeah right).

happy new year!
meg and chuck