04 November 2007

Blogger: Permission Denied

If I'm not cool enough to be invited to my sister's blog, what am I cool enough for?


jenny said...

It's down for maintenance. It will be back up shortly.

Unknown said...

hahahahahhahahahahaha. dont be sad. the invite to be apart of the blog is in french...i had no effin idea what i was agreeing to. i might have sold off my first born puppy.

Annalise said...

Oh good, I'm glad it's not just me! I was like...what the eff?!

bradget said...

I was thinking maybe she thought she was part of the writer's guild that's on strike...

Clay and Katy said...

yeah i was a little hurt myself but it better be a good lookin blog when it is back up and running...

Clay and Katy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ashley said...

Everyone else took all the good comments. Love yours Bridge. Screw Jenny!!!!

Becoming Supersonic said...

Amen K. Get it together J-cup.

libby said...