28 March 2010

Alice Lane Giveaway

Jenny and I have a new obsession. Check out the Alice Lane blog giveaway and enter asap! Or, if you feel like getting some karma points, just cross your fingers that I'll win.


banananutmeg said...

I am going to comment on this with the sole purpose of giving you the excitement that only comes from seeing a 1 next to the word "comments"....with hopes that it will inspire you to blog again soon. very soon.
Also, Alice Lane IS awesome.

Paige said...

Hey this is a total cheater post to have up for your first time in six months. I know that married ladies have better stuff to do, but I don't hear from you otherwise. Blog, woman, blog!

chickadee3357 said...

I agree with Paige. Either get on facebook or post to your blog! How am I supposed to know what is going on with you?!